Getting there
The nearest airports are Bourgas and Plovdiv, but you can still get to us from Sofia or Varna. It is best to hire a car and take the opportunity to explore while you are visiting. There are numerous car hire firms operating from all the airports and they will help direct you and usually provide maps before you set off. You can also advance book hire cars via the internet, which may be wise in the peak holiday season. We have drawn our own little map from Sliven to Kipilovo which we can email you but when in doubt ask and everyone will want to help you.
We usually stop in Sliven and visit a big super market to get a few essentials and wine before driving the beautiful winding mountain road to the village of Kipilovo.
There are coaches direct from Sofia to Sliven and buses from Bourgas to Sliven if you are leaving cars and cares behind. There is also a little bus from Sliven to Kipilovo.
Cheap flights are increasing and in summer there are numerous charter flights to Bourgas. Ryan air has not got there yet and easyjet remains the cheapest deal to date flying to Sofia. The road is good from Sofia as it's the main route to the Black sea.